I gave this article a perfect 10 (just seemed appropriate). That said, as a horny retired old man you would be surprised to find that I disapprove of barely there clothing. Oh, make no mistake, the babes are breathtaking, but for every babe there are a million half-naked sloppy, floppy, pudgy, sludgy women out there that make me want to pluck my eyes out. And, it's not just the females. I no more want to see a white male walrus in a speedo than I do a bloated broad with enough boob to feed all the babies in a small third world country.
So, please, cover up those sexy pics (Don't listen to me!) you have in this article (DON'T DON'T DON'T!). They are so inappropriate ( I LOVE THEM!) that I have to look away (right at them) before I get too excited (SHOWER TIME!). Honestly, it was a fun read. :-P