"When the soul has learned his lessons and completed his Karma from one life, it leaves the physical body." Prove it.
"A soul is an immortal body of light" Prove it.
"... that continues to reincarnate until his Karmas are settled. " Prove it.
"It does not die and is indestructible." Prove it.
"All that a person gains in the form of intelligence, awareness, and memories persist with the soul." Prove it.
" It lives in superconsciousness, continually expanding its awareness." Prove it.
"Upon death, the soul becomes aware of its astral body." Prove it.
I could go on and on, but you will never be able to substantiate any of these claims--not ONE of them. Gods, winged angels, demons, souls, reincarnation... There's no evidence for any of it. Sorry.